Alpha Chapter at Life West
A message from the XPL Alpha Chapter President:
It is an honor and privilege to welcome you to our page, where you can see a glimpse of XPL at the Alpha Chapter. Our roots began in November of 2019. It was founded by women from around the world who have created a space for women in chiropractic to come together and grow to their fullest potential. Since then, we have welcomed more sisters, stayed true to our founding values, and established another chapter in Dallas, Texas. We are all dedicated to the empowerment of women inside and outside the field of chiropractic. We practice our core values of professionalism, respect, accountability, academics, and integrity day by day in order to prepare our future doctors and women of the world.
Yours in Support & Service,
Heidi Tressler
Chi Rho Lambda, Alpha Chapter President
Executive Board 2023
2023 Active Sisters
Alia Ah Far
Simi Chawla
Hannah Dewey
Joanna Dronov
Stephanie Fernandez
Emma Harbage
Varada Kulkarni
Trzur Lee
Tina Mai
Nabila Mohiuddin
Diana Palacios
Mirnellys Rivera
Charity Rushton
Zeltzin Serrano
Jené Smith
Sarah Stewart
Heidi Tressler
Jaila Walton
Joyce Yeung